Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ein Yeush Translation

Warning: very bad translation! As always, corrections are welcomed and I will try to incorporate any suggestions.

(b’oref: back of the neck) (ha’oyev: the enemy)
(potzua:wounded) (v’zav: and flows) (dam: blood)
(b’elef: a thousand) (hak’ravot: battles) (ha’acharonim: later) (ni’chalti: I fought)
(kil’shon: as the language of) (charutz: diligent, complete)
(zochel: reptile) (bein: between) (ha’shuchot: the pits)
(k’var: already) (miz’man: from the time) (shi’chachti: I forgot)
(bishvil: for a purpose) (ma: what) (ba’ti: I came) (lik’an: to here)
(zocher: remembers) (b’zicharon: rememberence of) (amum: muffled)
(ein: not) (li: to me) (et: direct object marker) (ha’luksus: luxury)
(l’hikana: to overpower) (lo: not) (y’nichu: rest) (li: to me) (gam: also) (sham: there)
(yesh: there are) (shom’rim: guards) (b’chol: all) (makom: place)
(patrolim: patrols) (dayh: enough) (tzafofim: crowded) (ach’shav: now)
(tzarich: necessary) (manof: lever, impetus (figurative)) (eser: ten) (ton: tone)
(k’dei: in order) (l’haziz: to nourish) (oti: me) (mi’kan: from there)

The back of the enemy's neck is wounded and blood flows.
A thousand battles later I fought diligently.
A reptile between the pits, I already forgot why I came here.
I remember a faded memory.
There is no luxury for me.
Nor does sleep overtake me there.
There are guards all around.
Enough patrols, it is crowded now.
I need ten tones (?) in order to sustain me here.

(shomeiah: listen) (et: d.o. marker) (ha’kol: the voice) (she’omer: which speaks) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)
I listen to the voice which speaks to me.
There is no despair in the world at all.
(kol: all) (yom: day) (mit’chil: from the beginning) (t’milchama: of the war)
(v’mafsid: and lose) (maher: fast) (m’od: very)
(nosei: theme, or carrier) (einai: my eyes) (m’tzapeh: sad, or expected) (lishua: to save)
(zocher: remembers) (b’zicharon: in rememberence) (amum: muffled)
(yesh: there is) (li: to me) (m’simah: mission)
(yesh: there is) (sibah: reason) (l’mah: to why) (ani: me) (po: here)
(al: upon) (p’nei: face of) (ha’adamah: the earth)
Every day from the beginning of war.
It is lost very fast.
My eyes expect salvation.
I remember a faded memory.
I have a mission.
There is a reason why I am here,
On the face of the earth.
(shomeiah: listen) (et: d.o. marker) (ha’kol: the voice) (she’omer: which speaks) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)
(korei: read) (et: d.o. marker) (hatzadik: the holy man) (shekoteiv: who wrote) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)
(shomeiah: listen) (et: d.o. marker) (ha’niggun: melody) (mit’nagen: which sang) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)

I listen to the voice which speaks to me:
There is no despair in the world at all.
I read the holy man who wrote to me (Rav Nachman of Breslov):
There is no despair in the world at all.
I listen to the melody which sings to me:
There is no despair in the world at all.
(ach’shav: now) (ani: I) (m’naseh: escape/experienced) (lakum: to rise, to establish)
(yesh: there is) (li: to me) (derech: road)
(yesh: there is) (li: to me) (shli’chut: mission)
(ani: I) (tzarich: need) (l’heivi: to take/bring)
(et: d.o. marker) (habat: the daughter) (melech: King) (el: to) (hamelech: the King)
(assur: forbidden) (lish’koach: to be angry)
(mib’chinati: from my test) (ani: I) (yachol: am able)
(k’var: already) (l’hi’gamer: to be complete) (ach’shav: now)
(mib’chinati: from my test) (ani: I) (yachol: am able)
(k’var: already) (l’hef’sid: loss, damage)
(aval: but) (ani: I) (lo: don’t) (chai: live) (bish’vili: for me)
(ani: I) (chai: live) (bish’vil: for, in order to) (l’havi: to bring)
(et: d.o. marker) (habat: the daughter) (melech: the King) (el: to) (hamelech: the King)
Now I am able to say: I have a road, I have a mission.
I need to take the daughter of the King to the King.
It is forbidden to be angry.
From my test I am already able to be complete now.
From my test I am already able to have loss.
But I don’t live for myself.
I live to bring the daughter of the King to the King.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ben Baruch!

I like your site- Ushpizin was a great movie.

As a seemingly religious fellow, I was wondering if you could translate the words of Yair Michael's song, "Hallelu." I bought it originally thinking it was a religious album, but I'm not sure now after inspecting the lyrics. I will try my best to transliterate for you:

"hal'lu et haShafim, b'shamayim hem holfim/et hashemesh haHamah, hal'lu/

hal'lu et hamirhavim/et haRo'eh v'haKivishim/ haHarim v'haDammah, hal'lu/

(CHORUS): hal'lu et haShivilim/ shaliah movilim/ sh'arim shanaftahim, hal'lu/..."

And it goes on and on. Am I mistaken, but in the first line, doesn't Yair Michael praise seagulls flying around in the sky?
Is this some kind of slang or something?

Thank you so much for the help!


B.B. said...

I'm glad you like the site. I will try to look up those words. Unfortunately, my Hebrew is not very good and I basically rely on dictionaries and grammars, so my guess is as good as (or probably worse than) the next person's. I've never heard of Yair Michael, so I don't know if he is religious.

Anonymous said...

Ok, no problem thanks! lol It's a pretty song of his anyway; it would have been nice if his words were just as pretty.

ggg said...

Hello! Im Ilán from Argentina, a Breslover Bachur. I added a link of your blog in mines.
Kol tuv.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your sight. Adi Ran rocks my world.