Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ein Yeush Translation

Warning: very bad translation! As always, corrections are welcomed and I will try to incorporate any suggestions.

(b’oref: back of the neck) (ha’oyev: the enemy)
(potzua:wounded) (v’zav: and flows) (dam: blood)
(b’elef: a thousand) (hak’ravot: battles) (ha’acharonim: later) (ni’chalti: I fought)
(kil’shon: as the language of) (charutz: diligent, complete)
(zochel: reptile) (bein: between) (ha’shuchot: the pits)
(k’var: already) (miz’man: from the time) (shi’chachti: I forgot)
(bishvil: for a purpose) (ma: what) (ba’ti: I came) (lik’an: to here)
(zocher: remembers) (b’zicharon: rememberence of) (amum: muffled)
(ein: not) (li: to me) (et: direct object marker) (ha’luksus: luxury)
(l’hikana: to overpower) (lo: not) (y’nichu: rest) (li: to me) (gam: also) (sham: there)
(yesh: there are) (shom’rim: guards) (b’chol: all) (makom: place)
(patrolim: patrols) (dayh: enough) (tzafofim: crowded) (ach’shav: now)
(tzarich: necessary) (manof: lever, impetus (figurative)) (eser: ten) (ton: tone)
(k’dei: in order) (l’haziz: to nourish) (oti: me) (mi’kan: from there)

The back of the enemy's neck is wounded and blood flows.
A thousand battles later I fought diligently.
A reptile between the pits, I already forgot why I came here.
I remember a faded memory.
There is no luxury for me.
Nor does sleep overtake me there.
There are guards all around.
Enough patrols, it is crowded now.
I need ten tones (?) in order to sustain me here.

(shomeiah: listen) (et: d.o. marker) (ha’kol: the voice) (she’omer: which speaks) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)
I listen to the voice which speaks to me.
There is no despair in the world at all.
(kol: all) (yom: day) (mit’chil: from the beginning) (t’milchama: of the war)
(v’mafsid: and lose) (maher: fast) (m’od: very)
(nosei: theme, or carrier) (einai: my eyes) (m’tzapeh: sad, or expected) (lishua: to save)
(zocher: remembers) (b’zicharon: in rememberence) (amum: muffled)
(yesh: there is) (li: to me) (m’simah: mission)
(yesh: there is) (sibah: reason) (l’mah: to why) (ani: me) (po: here)
(al: upon) (p’nei: face of) (ha’adamah: the earth)
Every day from the beginning of war.
It is lost very fast.
My eyes expect salvation.
I remember a faded memory.
I have a mission.
There is a reason why I am here,
On the face of the earth.
(shomeiah: listen) (et: d.o. marker) (ha’kol: the voice) (she’omer: which speaks) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)
(korei: read) (et: d.o. marker) (hatzadik: the holy man) (shekoteiv: who wrote) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)
(shomeiah: listen) (et: d.o. marker) (ha’niggun: melody) (mit’nagen: which sang) (li: to me)
(ein: there is none) (ye’ush: despair) (ba’olam: in the world) (k’lal: public, generally, rule)

I listen to the voice which speaks to me:
There is no despair in the world at all.
I read the holy man who wrote to me (Rav Nachman of Breslov):
There is no despair in the world at all.
I listen to the melody which sings to me:
There is no despair in the world at all.
(ach’shav: now) (ani: I) (m’naseh: escape/experienced) (lakum: to rise, to establish)
(yesh: there is) (li: to me) (derech: road)
(yesh: there is) (li: to me) (shli’chut: mission)
(ani: I) (tzarich: need) (l’heivi: to take/bring)
(et: d.o. marker) (habat: the daughter) (melech: King) (el: to) (hamelech: the King)
(assur: forbidden) (lish’koach: to be angry)
(mib’chinati: from my test) (ani: I) (yachol: am able)
(k’var: already) (l’hi’gamer: to be complete) (ach’shav: now)
(mib’chinati: from my test) (ani: I) (yachol: am able)
(k’var: already) (l’hef’sid: loss, damage)
(aval: but) (ani: I) (lo: don’t) (chai: live) (bish’vili: for me)
(ani: I) (chai: live) (bish’vil: for, in order to) (l’havi: to bring)
(et: d.o. marker) (habat: the daughter) (melech: the King) (el: to) (hamelech: the King)
Now I am able to say: I have a road, I have a mission.
I need to take the daughter of the King to the King.
It is forbidden to be angry.
From my test I am already able to be complete now.
From my test I am already able to have loss.
But I don’t live for myself.
I live to bring the daughter of the King to the King.