Monday, May 15, 2006

Or Ein Sof (partial translation)

Please post corrections if you see any errors. Thanks!

(l’chol: in all/each) (adam: man) (yesh: there is) (nefesh: soul) (elokit: Godly)
(v’nefesh: and a soul) (b’heimit: animal)
(v’chol: in all/each) (inyan: matter) (hab’chirah: the choice, i.e. free will)
(hu: he, it) (mi: who) (min: from) (hash’nayyim: the two) (yuch’rah: will be decided/conquered)
(u’mamash: and actually) (b’chol: in all) (dakah: minute)
(hamilchamah: the war) (b’eitzumah: is raging powerfully)
(b’chol: in all) (eit: time) (shel: of) (nitzachon: triumph)
(nim’shach: follows) (chut: strand) (shel: of) (chesed: kindness) (el’yon: God).

In each person, there is a Godly soul, and an animal soul.
In all matters, there is free will.
Which of those two will be conquered?
And truly, in every minute, the war rages powerfully.
In every moment of netzach, a strand of supernal chesed follows.

(or: light) (ein: not) (sof: end)
(or: light) (tzach’tzachot: clear)

Endless light.
Clear light.

(l’chol: in each) (adam: man) (yesh: there is) (yetzer: instinct) (tov: good)
(v’yetzer: and instinct) (rah: bad)
(v’zeh: and this) (mul: opposite) (zeh: this) (bara: He created) (otam: in them)
(v’chol: and all) (bishvil: in order to, for the purpose of) (hab’chirah: the choice, i.e. free will)

In every person, there is a good instinct, and an evil instinct.
One opposite the other, He created in them.
And all is for the pupose of free will.

1 comment:

B.B. said...

Good call. I have no clue. My knowledge of modern hebrew is mainly based on my Oxford Hebrew-English dictionary. Part of the reason I got interested in doing this was to improve my Hebrew skills. So, thank you for the help! I've tried to make the changes you suggest. Let me know if you have any other suggestions for this or other songs.